Sunday, May 16, 2010

Damn Good Music

We have been long time fans of Atmosphere around here. I clearly remember counting down the days before Seven's Travels way back in high school; spending countless hours trying to find long lost mix tapes online with dial-up internet on a shitty computer; and wishing I was 21 to get into his shows.

Since high-school Atmosphere has released a ton of stuff that really kicks ass but I will always dig Lucy Ford and God Loves Ugly the most; please check them out- you will not be disappointed!

This is an older song that was remixed(that version is a little more popular) SUPER GOOD!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Homegrown 2010!

I regretfully didn't spend very much of my week out and about enjoying music (finals are coming up and I need to be on point). However, I did make it to the Trampled by Turtles show at the Norshore theater last night and it was AMAZING! You need to see these guys! Alan Sparhawk even jumped up and played a few songs with them which rocked the room's socks off!

Crew Jones played a two am show at Luce to finish Homegrown, if you weren't there I am sorry for you! Crew put a hell of a show! Great job Duluth for putting on a great week of shows!


Friday, May 7, 2010

The haps

It's the seventh of May and we are getting snow in Duluth; never a dull day!
I have entered a design in Freestyle of Duluth's skateboard graphic contest. Summer is fast approaching- as soon as finals are over with I will be setting up to print the 10/11 series of shirts (sneak peak coming soon)!



TJ has been my friend for a long time, like a really long time, I am talking like a time before HD cameras this video proves it. Here is a video from high school of TJ killing it!



Nothing like starting off your day with a good pirate song!



Have you ever wondered why every clothing company prints t-shirts in some sweatshop in a far away land like Indonesia? Way back in 2004 my friend Brandon, my little brother Nathan and I, asked ourselves that question. We were tired of wearing the same shirts as everyone else and not knowing the story behind the art printed onto the clothing we wear; so, we decided we would start printing our own t-shirts. Today my brother and I are in college and Brandon is off in California learning to speak Russian for the Air Force,  but what started  in 2004 is still alive and well today. PRIVATEER reflects the creativity, variety and fun that comes with living along the north shore of Lake Superior, which is where we hand print every t-shirt! I hope you enjoy our art and we thank you for your support!